Induction Massage - What is it & does it work?
I get asked by clients "can you do anything to help bring on labour". The short answer is MAYBE. Induction massage involves Relaxation...

Self Massage Techniques
1. Run your fingers through your hair making small circular motions 2. Gather your hands around your head and small circular motions...

Massage for ‘Text Neck’
Mobile Massage Therapist Newcastle Angela Mackintosh, Remedial Massage Therapist -    The first smartphone was introduced by Apple’s...

When to use ice and when to use heat. Helpful info with this chart

Benefits of pregnancy massage

Massage After Childbirth
Whether it is for pain relief, recovery from c section or simply relaxation. Massage provides you with a small window of time to relax...

Why being massaged in your own home is so popular....
It has become very popular to be massaged in the comfort of your own home and is not surprising. Many people simply feel more...

The Famous Belly Pillow
Angela uses a special Belly Pillow through her pregnancy massage which allows her clients to lay flat on their stomach. Supporting both...